Carnivals are awesome


I wish anything gave me that much joy still. Instead I just feel overwhelming happiness when I watch her have that much fun.

Try Something New Every Month: Orange peel quilt block and binding with real proper mitered corners

I was in a mood. A no good, sludging through mud, could barely get off the floor sort of mood. So I decided I should make a swap gift and try something new all in one go and give my afternoon a purpose other than imprinting carpet fibers into my cheek from literally laying around.

I’ve always loved the look of orange peel quilts but never wanted to tackle a whole entire quilt of them. I also never really understood how the block was constructed, so when I searched the internet and came up with “easy” and “orange peel quilt block” all together, I decided to go for it.

This is the appliqué method, so to start I sewed my choice fabric and some backing right sides together.

Flipped it right-side out, and ta-da!

Then I simply stitched it down as close to the edges as possible.

Four all together!

It really quilted up neat…

Then I was determined to do proper corners on the binding, which is something I’ve always fudged through in the past.

Even the back looks decent…I’m pleased!

It didn’t totally cure the mood, but it helped, and now I want to make more orange peel blocks. I just love the way they look!

See what other bloggers tried this month: