Our garden grows!


Just 3 weeks have passed…


Try Something New Every Month: Sell a house, buy a house, MOVE

Ha! I know that’s not a traditional TSNEM, and it’s not being included in the monthly blog circle, but we’ve never sold a home before (out townhouse was the first place we bought) and we’ve never lived in a single family home together before either, so we’ve got a lot of firsts going on here.

This picture doesn’t even begin to depict how large our mountain of boxes grew. It’s amazing how much stuff fits into a house.

Lily helped label out boxes. Our speaker apparently have that boom, boom, boom.

And I dutifully stitched since all of my craft things were packed for way too long and I could only choose between this or hexies for keeping my hands busy late at night.

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Movers came on Wednesday the 27th and completely loaded our massive 26 foot moving truck in THREE HOURS. Movers are worth every darn penny spent, let me tell you. That would have taken us an entire day and we would have been exhausted loading up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs in the townhouse.


Sums up our feelings about the whole process…


Closings on our townhouse sale and house purchase didn’t get scheduled until 5:00PM on the NIGHT BEFORE we were set to close. There was a mad scramble for the water meter to be read at the new house and for the city to issue water stamps and oh-my-goodness were we freaking out about potentially not closing as planned!

It all worked out in the end though and after a 3.5 hour closing we were at the new house at 6:30PM on Thursday May 28th. First thing that happened? Tear out the old carpet and reveal the beautiful 65 year old oak hardwood floor underneath!!!



Now here’s where it comes in handy having a carpenter/general contractor for a dad, and he sent a small crew of guys I’ve known most of my life to get the place read to move in the next day. We worked until 11:00PM that night pulling out carpet, padding, tack strips, and staples, and then they did a “screening” (very light sanding), touched up some of the areas with stain where pet urine had ruined the finish, and then put down one coat of quick-dry water based polyurethane.


Movers arrived at 8:00AM Friday morning to unload. It only took them two hours. We worked all day Friday (while my dad sent some more guys over to paint the living room and family room) and all day Saturday and by the time I went to sleep on Saturday night around midnight there was not one single box left in the house. We were totally unpacked. The garage is a different story, but that’s alright šŸ™‚

Living room…

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Dining area of the living room…


Our new work room! Where all of our desks live!



Check out my sewing view!!!

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The yard has an amazing perennial garden surrounded the fence and house. We’ve seen it with daffodil and tulips, and currently we have tons of peonies, clematis, and Sicilian garlic honey in bloom!



The street is tree-lined and awesome, too.


Anyway, back to the house!

Kitchen, where Art added cabinet knobs and tip-out drawers on the false fronts under the sink…


Bathroom was pretty awesome from the start, though it’s taking a little getting used to such a small vanity…


This happy little corner in our bedroom unpacked early on in the process and made me smile…


Bedroom looks better now with some pictures hung and clutter taken care of, but still…


Lily’s bedroom unpacked fast! We’ve since added a purple area rug in the middle…


Her closet makes me oddly happy, too.


Home sweet home ā¤


And in honor of surviving the move, here’s my coffee-fueled cross stitch pattern. I made a pattern based on what I made while I stayed up way too late every night leading up to the move.

home sweet home
(click to download full size)